1967, Szombathely

graphic artist, associate professor

He graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 1992. Since 1992 he has been teaching in art schools, and since 1999 he has been a senior lecturer at the Institute of Applied Arts at the University of Sopron, since 2019 he has been an associate professor at the Széchenyi István University. Until 2009, for 11 years he was the organiser of the Dáblin graphic art exhibitions and editor of the respective thematic publications. His work has been featured in Graphifest exhibitions, in the Trend of Print exhibition, the Michaelhause Centerin Cambridge in 2015 and the Posterfest in Budapest. His most important awards are the Beautiful Hungarian Book Award (2007, 2009), the Golden Drawing Pin Award (2007), the Noémi Ferenczy Award (2012).

Bloomsday animation

digital graphics

Bloomsday animation